Create a Basic Jasper Report

IMPORTANT: We highly recommend that all BI Tool users use Illuminate's Blank Templates/Report Starters to start your report. The templates/report starters contain dozens pre-built parameters and variables that will make it easier for you to start your report.

If you are using our blank templates/report starters, you can skip steps 1 and 2 below. Those steps are already done for you.

Please click the links below and push the "Download" button:

The following steps guide you to create a new jrxml file. For more detailed directions, please refer to the "Tutorials" in this guide:

  1. Open Jaspersoft Studio and click File > New > Jasper Report, select "Blank Letter," and name the report. Note: The file extension is .jrxml for the report files.

  2. Create a new parameter named ILLUMINATE. Find the widget that shows "Outline," right click on "Parameters," select "Create Parameter," change the "Name" called ILLUMINATE. Uncheck "Is For Prompting."

  1. In the section Query Language, type in the following: illuminate_custom

  2. Select the Data Adapter you want to use for the report.

  3. Click 'Read Fields' and the column names from the custom report should appear below.

  4. Click 'OK.'

  5. Note that all fields initially imported as type "string," which means they are text. Best practice would be to change all numeric fields to either integer or double (decimal values).

Here are some of the most commonly used options for the Class:

  1. You should now have a blank report to drag elements onto the page.

  2. The following Jaspersoft tutorial walks through creating a basic report:

  3. The following Jaspersoft tutorial explains the stucture of a Jasper Report:

Last updated