Create Multiple Summary Bands

Although it is not possible to add multiple Summary Bands to your report, you can easily create as many additional bands as you need that will behave and function exactly like the Summary Band.

You can also use this same method to have a Summary Band at the beginning of the report instead of the end.

Essentially, you are creating a group that includes every single record in your report. A group that includes every record in your report will behave and function just like the Summary Band.

Step 1: Create a Group

  1. Navigate to your Outline.

  2. Right-click on the very top line of your Outline

  3. Select Create Group.

Step 2: Create a Group from Expression

  1. Name Your Group (I usually call mine “Summary2”.)

  2. Select Create Group from expression

  3. Leave the expression field blank.

  4. Click Finish

Now, you have two more bands in your report (Summary2 Group Header and Summary2 Group Footer), both of which will behave and function exactly like the Summary Band.

These new "Summary2" bands will always be positioned above the default Summary Band. It is not possible to move the original Summary Band, but you can easily just cut and paste anything you currently have in the Summary Band to the "Summary2 Group Header" if you want it to appear at the top of your report.

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