Prepare Your Data Set

  1. Create a custom report in Illuminate that contains all of the columns needed for the prebuilt report you are creating.

  2. Select "CSV File" and click "Next."

  3. Name the data adapter anything you prefer. It issuggested to name the Data Adapter the same title as your Illuminate Custom Report.

  4. Click "Browse," for the file type select "*.*" and select the file downloaded from the custom report (it will have a .txt file extension). Click "Open."

  5. Select the tab "Separators" and for the field separator choose "Tab."

  6. Click the tab "Columns", check the box next to "Skip the first line (the column names will be read from the first line)", and click the button "Get column names from the first row of the file." The columns names should appear below that button, then click "Finish."

  7. Now you have successfully created a link to the dataset that you can use to locally develop your prebuilt report.

Last updated